Situation May 21, 2007

Hi everyone!

Hope this e-mail finds you all doing well!!!  I am sending this to all the e-mails I currently have in my address book, and the new e-mails I just acquired through the wonderful news about Annette Kingsland!!!

I sent out a couple e-mails regarding our 25 year class reunion, which is this year!    Yes, it has been 25 years!!!!.  I had hoped the e-mail got spread around more, but  I  only received a few answers as to what everyone would like to see at our reunion this time. I set up a meeting for some of the local grads to get this started and 4 people were able to make it.  Sue Anderson, Becky Tyke , Kim Fletcher and myself.   We threw around some ideas and realized the work ahead.  We made calls , picked a couple possible dates and realized 2 very important things.  We have no money in our FHC acct. and we have a very short time to do this. We are trying to have this all together by Fall 2007.  

As most of you know, our 20 year reunion was awesome!  But it took a lot of time, planning and money to do it. We had a great group of classmates locally that did a lot of work to make that all happen.  Sue Anderson and I have been talking about this for some time and her and I can not do this alone. With the feedback from the e-mails sent out , and the 2 other people, besides her and I , that showed up at the meeting, it is very unlikely this event will happen. I have been contacted by a couple of you that said you would help, and thank you.  But we are not even at the point of deligating things for other local classmates to do.

I have to say Sue and I are stepping down as planners of this event.  As our children get to the ages they all are now, it is getting busier for everyone each and every day. I am sure many of you are running to soccer, baseball, LaCrosse, gymnastics, girl scouts etc. and there does not seem to be enough time in a day lately.  Sue and I both work full time and we would like this event to happen more than anyone, but it is just impossible for us.

We are both more than willing to help out and do what we can, if someone else would like to take over  the planning of meetings, getting mailings out, e-mailing all classmates, setting up a website, attain a class data base for all contacts, calling and  reserving  time slots with local establishments,  etc. We can meet with whoever would like to take over and go over ideas, etc. but unfortunately, it is not going to work for her and I. Sue and I started, planned and put on the 20 year class reunion with the help of many local grads!  It was a great time. But we feel it is someone elses turn to take over this time. Like I said, we are more than willing to help.  Let us know. 

Barb Manus Averill and Sue Anderson.

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